July’s Unconfirmed Google Ranking Updates

Google search result rankings were quite volatile between July 11 – 18. Various tools that track Google’s changes (e.g. Mozcast, SERPMetrics, Algoroo, AdvancedWebRankings, Accuranker, RankRanger, Cognitive SEO, SEMRush) noticed that this was happening. This is something that Google hasn’t responded to themselves. John Mueller himself has said he doesn’t know anything about it or what …

The Biggest Local SEO Mistakes Businesses are Making and how to Correct Them

In the past all it took to bring in local customers was word of mouth and vibrant signage to catch people’s attention. Living in the digital age has changed all that though. Now it is essential for businesses to rank for local SEO so they can remain competitive in their field. This is something that …

Google Now Lets You Add Your Business Name And URL To Your Google My Business

Mike Blumenthal, a local Google guide, recently announced that Google My Business has a new feature that will let you create a short name and URL for your business. This is a great idea that will let you make your own profile here so that your business is more accessible to any potential customers you …

How to Build a SEO Strategy That’s Resistant to Google Algorithm Updates

At the beginning of June Google released a “broad core algorithm update.” They seemed to hope that nobody would freak out because of this update, but people freaked out anyway. Some sites like CCN even went so far as to report a 90% decrease in their organic visibility. This is just one example of how …

Choosing Your Price Point for SEO Content

People who provide content management to SEO agencies are constantly being asked what they charge. Regardless of how they answer this question, they’re often told that they’re charging either too much or too little. This makes one wonder if anyone knows the true value of good content today. The Importance of Finding Good Writers When …

John Mueller’s Answers to Negative SEO Attacks

John Mueller from Google recently answered a question about a suspected negative SEO attack. This question was based on a website’s owner’s belief that they were getting a lot of spammy links because their competition was attempting to lower their rankings. The website owner wanted to know whether they should continue to disavow these links …

How To Use Google My Business To Give Your Local Seo A Boost

Today, Google my Business is very important for websites, especially those that are concerned with their local SEO SERPs. This is because it heavily influences what shows up underneath of when a map is seen by your visitors. It’s important to understand that this is different from what shows up in the local organic though. …